Friday, June 17, 2011

Stressful market shopping and beautiful things

This morning I had some breakfast and joined a a group to walk to some markets for shopping. The markets here are a lot different than the ones in Kalomo and Choma. The stalls were in a line of a building and there were about 40. People watched us and talked us into their little shops trying to get us to buy stuff. I found myself extremely stressed out--kind of like the stress you get in the states when lured into a mall kiosk except more intense. Anyhow, I ended up giving money and items to trade for what seemed like a lot of random things. But that is okay. I now have most of my gifts for people back home, so that is good. After shopping, eating, and making the trek back to the hotel, I quickly gathered things for Victoria Falls. Next thing I know, I am looking at the biggest waterfall EVER. Ponchos donned, we trekked around the trails getting wet and having a good time. I thought I had seen something excellent until I made the 600+ yard hike down to the Boiling Pot. The Boiling Pot is a big swirling pool that the Zambezi pours into in a gorge. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed. I went with Tessa and Ashley, and although I started to panic and fear for my life on the hike down, I don't regret climbing down. After we made the strenuous--for Ashley and I--hike back up, we joined others for more stressful market shopping. After being basically conned into getting things, we went back to the hotel to clean up before heading to another hotel for our sunset cruise. We boarded a three story boat that had tables and chairs for us to eat dinner at. Dinner consisted of three courses--all finger food. Meanwhile, we just relaxed and took pictures. The sunset was beautiful to see on the water. We headed back to the hotel afterward and now I am hanging out with Ben, Tessa, Cari, and Ashley. Good times. Headed back to Namwianga tomorrow! Love you all!


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